Leslie T. Richardson
The Wooden Bridge
Leslie T. Richardson- Memories & Other Stories Three bridges spanned the Grand River at Caledonia. The first one was surveyed around 1835...

Leslie T. Richardson
Without Caledonia Bridges
Leslie T. Richardson- Memories & Other Stories With the new bypass bridge a current topic the story of other bridges in town should be...

Ian D. Thompson, U.E.
Memories of Light Up Night
Ian D. Thompson, U.E.- Modern Memories (November 23, 2016) With Light Up Night and Christmas in Caledonia events coming this week, it's...

Barbara A. Martindale
Old Sachem Editions Shed Light on Today
Barbara A. Martindale- For What It's Worth December 2, 2013 What is found in the old Sachem files contribute, and always will, to...