Leslie T. Richardson
Grandma's Mouse Trap
Leslie T. Richardson- Memories & Other Stories Grandma lived upstairs in her own apartment and like all well regulated households, in the...

Leslie T. Richardson
Les' Own Introduction
Leslie T. Richardson- Memories & Other Stories April 9, 1980 There has been such a dramatic change in Caledonia over the years, not only...

Ian D. Thompson, U.E.
Modern Memories
I've been quite lucky to have been born and raised in Caledonia. My parents, Daniel and Leila too, were both Caledonia kids, and so, I...

Barbara A. Martindale
Bernice Loft was a sincere and direct orator
Barbara A. Martindale- For What It's Worth December 9, 2013 Once upon a time there was another advocate commemorating experiences,...
Barbara A. Martindale
Are picnics a thing of the past?
Barbara A. Martindale- For What It's Worth July 8, 2013 Picnics, the old fashioned kind, seem to be a thing of the past. The days of...
Barbara A. Martindale
Scrapbook offers look back to 1990
Barbara A. Martindale- For What It's Worth July 2, 2013 Every time one of the many scrapbooks are scanned, many articles pop up to add to...