Answers to questions are often found in old issues of the Sachem
Barbara A. Martindale- For What It's Worth January 13, 2014
Occasionally, questions of a historic nature are asked and fortunately, the Sachem's old issues have the answers.
Recently, a conversation about dentists back-when brought to mind Dr. Parkes. For those who remember, he was the only Caledonia dentist for many years. The June 11, 1958 Sachem had an item that stated, "Dr. D.R. Parkes, Caledonia Dentist, was the lucky winner of the Ford Station Wagon at the Community Projects draw held in connection with the first Community Projects Bingo."
Dr. Parkes' dentist office was above what is today the Arrell Law building. When Dr. Parkes was in business, it was a long walk up the stairs to his professional office. One would sit in his chair and look out over the main corner while Dr. Parkes, in his very friendly manner, got to know what was important to his patient. Dr. Parkes always had a small molded plaster of Paris figure for the children who sat through an appointment.
In 1958, Crest Hardware, owned by E.M. MacLennan, opened in what had been Marshall's Hardware, since 1902, next to Jones Bakery in Caledonia. Before the Crest Hardware opening, the store was completely renovated with new counters, display racks and fluorescent lighting.
The Crest organization was a group of independently owned hardware stores across Ontario. There is still a Crest Hardware store on Lundy's Lane in Niagara Falls.
A gentleman from Winona was passing through Caledonia on a Sunday evening in July of 1948. He took the time to write a letter to the Sachem editor about the community band concert that was on stage at the bandstand.

According to Caledonia Concert Band history, a bandstand was built in 1948 and in 1949 a modern bandshell, costing some $5,300 was completed.
The writer of the letter said, "May I congratulate the band committee on the type of music provided and the combined bands in their smart uniforms. The soloist and whistler were very fine. The quartette was outstanding, being one of the best I have had the pleasure of hearing in person. The location of your bandstand and your park have great possibilities. Keep up your good work, and the best of luck." signed Wm. L. Hulbert.
The Caledonia Concert band's first practice was in January 1947, uniforms were purchased in 1947. But where was that bandstand?

The pavilion at Kinsmen Park was opened as a new attraction at Kinsmen Park in 1973, located where the old Shirra Mill was situated but destroyed by fire in 1969. When it opened, the pavilion was said to hold about 25 picnic tables. It was jointly financed by the Grand River Conservation Authority and the Kinsmen Club. The pavilion, a paved parking lot and removal of a road from the park was estimated to cost $20,000. The park already had the Lions swimming pool, tennis courts, baseball diamonds and open space. The new dam came later in 1980.