Transcribing Cemeteries
Ian D. Thompson, U.E.- Modern Memories- November 30, 2016
One of the most interesting, and perhaps the most depressing, aspects of this website was the transcription of the grave markers in the cemeteries in Caledonia and surrounding area.

Though the subject isn't particularly fun, it provides an important link that benefits many researching their family tree. I've already had countless emails from delighted users who were able to find important dates and even trace some missing generations within their family tree using the cemetery database that I have created.
Currently, I've transcribed and made available online: Jubilee Cemetery, Ruthven Cemetery, Indiana Cemetery, Caledonia Methodist, Caledonia Anglican, Decew-Young, Murray-Nelles, Anderson, and the Oneida United (Gore) Cemeteries, along with a large portion of the Caledonia Public Cemetery (more on the way).
Transcribing the cemeteries has also helped to link certain parts of Caledonia's history- the people buried here and the information on their graves reveal much about Caledonia's history.
Regular writing will resume in February, 2017.