This archive includes photos, a database of parish priests, church history, and more.
Church Photos
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The Sanctuary in the old St. Patrick's Church in Caledonia. (Unknown)

The old St. Patrick's Church in Caledonia faced Nairn St. on the corner of Orkney St. E., and Nairn St. The Old Church was demolished and re-built in the 1950s.
Parish Priest Directory
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Bishop John Farrell was the first Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton. He was of Irish descent, born in Armagh, on 2 June 1820. His family moved to Canada in 1832 and settled in Kingston, Ontario. Following his ordination in October 1845, he served briefly in Kingston, teaching at Regiopolis College. In 1853 he was appointed pastor of Peterborough. Three years later he was named as the first bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Hamilton.

He came to Canada in 1949 from his native Holland and spent several years after his arrival ministering to Catholic immigrants from The Netherlands. When his talents as an educator became evident Father George served for many years as a teacher and prefect at the community’s school in Delaware Ontario Ontario. He served as pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish in Toronto, Sacred Heart Parish in Delaware, and Sacred Heart Parish in Uxbridge, and St. Patrick in Caledonia.

Originally from the Netherlands, Fr. Peter professed his first vows in 1952 and was ordained in 1959. He had been a member of the Toronto community for many years. His ministries included the Neil McNeil Home in Toronto; Sacred Heart Minor Seminary in Delaware, Ontario; the Catholic Children’s Aid Society in Toronto; and as pastor at the parishes of Immaculate Conception in Port Perry; St. Joan of Arc in Toronto; St. Anthony in Dartmouth, N.S.; and at St. Patrick in Caledonia.

Fr. George was raised in London Ontario where he attended Catholic elementary and high schools. After completing a 5 year term in the Canadian Air Force he attended college for three years in Business Administration with an economics major. Since his ordination in 1999, Fr Sammut was a parochial vicar at St Timothy Parish in Toronto On. for one year and then pastor of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Ottawa and St. Patrick's in Caledonia ON.

Parish Histories
Fr. J.B. Ryan's History (1950):
More than a century ago Catholic families began to settle in the Caledonia district. United by the bond of a common faith, they began at once to plan for the erection of a Church. The site was secured August 18th, 1849. Whoever chose it had great vision, for St. Patrick’s Church stands to-day on a commanding site overlooking the Town. Ten years later construction of the Church began. During the interval Mass was said in the old theatre and for a time in a warehouse across the river.
Finally, after three months of construction, the present St. Patrick’s Church was completed. On July 31st, 1859 Bishop Farrell blessed and dedicated the Church to the service of God. For transportation, even the Bishop rode horseback.
Rev. William Fitzgerald was the first resident Priest, and the first child baptized by him was one – Patrick Lynch.
Succeeding Pastors were:-
Rev. Wm. McNulty, Rev. J.P. Doherty, Rev. P.J. Maddigan, Rev. J.T. Kelly, Rev. E.M. Carre, Rev. Francis O’Reilly, Rev. L.M. Lynch, Rev. A.C. Walters, Rev. Wm. E. Gehl, Rev. G.J. Cleary, Rev. J.J. Traynor, Rev. B.A. Harris, and the present incumbent Rev. J.B. Ryan.
Catholic Old Boys of Haldimand, back for the Centennial Celebrations, will recall the days and deeds of their childhood. “Fond memories will bring to light the other days” – as they visit St. Patrick’s Church and Cemetery.
Caledonia & District, A History (1967):
The history of St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Caledonia goes back more than a century when Catholic families began to gather in the district and a community and plan for the building of a church. The site was secured on August 18th, 1849, it being the southeast corner of Orkney and Nairn Streets, at the top of what has been known as the Catholic hill, leading down to the town square. It was ten years before construction of the church begun and the interval Mass was said by various priests from the surrounding districts in the village theatre and in a warehouse on the south side of the river. In 1855 Reverend Father William Fitzgerald was made first pastor of Caledonia and in 1859 the first St. Patrick’s Church was completed. On July 31, 1859, Bishop Farrell of Hamilton, assisted by Rev. Father McNulty, LaRue and Northgreaves blessed and dedicated the service of the God.
The first child being baptised was one Patrick Lynch a familiar surname in the district. Succeeding the first resident priest Rev. Wm. Fitzgerald were Rev. Father W. McNulty, J.P. Doherty, P.J. Maddigan, J.T. Kelly, E.M. Carre, Francis, O’Reilly, I. Lynch, A.C. Walters, Wm. E. Gehl, G.J. Cleary, J.J. Traynor, B.A. Harris, J.B. Ryan, P.J. Bodendistel, G. Robson, C.O. Day, L. Sullivan, G. Beck and Father Wubbles. For more than fifty years the Caledonia priest has also administered the Walpole and Hagersville parishes.
It was during the time Rev. J.B. Ryan that the old church was considered inadequate and plans were made for the building of a new church and it was Father Ryan’s successor Rev. P. Bodendistel who supervised the building of the present new church. The old church was torn down and the new brick building put on the existing lot, facing north on Orkney Street. The new edifice was blessed on December 16, 1952 by Bishop J.F. Ryan of Hamilton, assisted by Rev. P. Bodendistel and other clergy. The high mass was sung by Rev. J.B. Ryan and the choir under the direction of Miss Katie Doyle, a most impressive historic service.
On July 6, 1956 the 100th anniversary of the parish was celebrated with his Excellency Joseph F. Ryan and Rev. R. Jordan of Dundalk, Ontario assisting with the ceremonies. After the Mass a reception was held in the Parish Hall when old and present parishioners renewed friendships and were greeted by distinguished guests. It was on this occasion that Bishop Ryan expressed his hope for a separate school in Caledonia and just one year later, his Excellency and Father C.O. Day officiated at the Blessing and opening of St. Patrick’s Separate School, the first Roman Catholic School in Haldimand County. The attractive two room school is erected at the very corner of the Church lot facing north and is administered by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. The old Thomas Arrell home across the street was purchased by the church and made into a Convent for the Sisters.
In August 1959, an important event took place which greatly affected the parish, this being a re-division of the dioceses, which put Caledonia, Walpole and Hagersville parishes in the St. Catherine’s diocese under his Excellency Bishop T.J. McCarthy. That fall, Bishop McCarthy made his first visit to Caledonia and the occasion was marked with a day celebration beginning with High Mass in the morning and a general reception in the afternoon.
There are four active organizations within the church, The Catholic Women’s League, The Ladies’ Auxiliary, the Holy Name Society, and the Catholic Youth Organization.
The history of St. Patrick’s Church would not be complete without mention of names who are still within the parish. As far back as 1843 there were Doyles, Higgins and Breens, McGarrys and Fagans. Also there were Keatings, Maddigans, Daltons, O’Rourkes, Brittains, Sheehans, Welchs, Herods and Dennis Kelly.
St. Patrick’s Cemetery is just east of the Caledonia Cemetery on the south side of the river and was purchased about the same time as land for the first church. The graves date back to 1849 and it has been under the care of a Cemetery Board. More recently a fund has started for perpetual care.
Ian Thompson's History (2014):
Father Peter Botman and Father George were at the Caledonia Parish for many years through the 1990s and early 2000s. During this period there were many young people involved in the church and Altar Serving was popular. Around 2005 Father Peter and Father George retired from the Parish and moved to Toronto’s Hyde Park area.
Father George Sammut was the replacement. During his years in the Parish upgrades and improvements were made to the church including new carpeting, the installation of a confessional and shelving in the back of the church, and renovation to the sanctuary.
Father George moved to a Parish and school in Florida in 2009. His Replacement was Father Stan Pietlock who came to Caledonia from a Welland Parish. Father Stan retired in 2013 and Caledonia Parish was taken over by Father Mario Fernandez formerly the Dunnville Parish Priest.
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic School is now in the hands of the Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk Catholic District School Board (BHNCDSB) and is administered from their Brantford offices.
In 1997 Notre Dame Catholic School was built on the south side of the river to alleviate the congestion at St. Patrick’s school which had many portable classrooms along the playground. An addition to this school was built to the West in 2002. The first principle was Mr. T. Brophy, secretary Mrs. Longland, and custodian Mr. Taylor. Long time staff here include Mrs. A. Vidmontas (retired), Mrs. K. Yuill, Mrs. V. Partington, Mr. Y. Leveille (retired), Mrs. K. Gallagher, Mrs. C. Robitaille, Mrs. G. Porco, Mrs. D. Damignani, Mrs. D. Cimmadamore, Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs. S. Hunter and others.
The Parish has a long history in Caledonia, and is sure to continue for many years to come. This is just the beginnings of a full history, hopefully as time progresses more information will become available here as it is researched.
Related Documents
Click to download selected related histories and Parish publications:
1999 Parish Directory
This directory contains photos of parishioners and information on parish clubs and activities.
2011 Parish Directory
This directory contains photos of parishioners and information on parish clubs and activities.